.NET Core Azure Functions Tutorial

In this post I’d like to show you how I ported an Azure Classic Cloud Service application (which cost me $16 USD a month by the way) to a .NET Core Azure Function, and now host it in Azure for $0 a month! That’s right - Azure Functions are both awesome and (usually) free!

Introducing realDonaldTron

So back in late 2016, when our dear leader was elected president, I decided to have a little fun at his expense. I created a Twitter account and generated API keys. I then created an Azure Classic Cloud Service and wrote a quick and dirty Twitter bot. This bot consumes 1000s of the most recent tweets from Donald Trump, cleans up his grammar and punctuation a little (because he can’t write words good), generates a Markov Chain

from the Tweets, and then schedules a .NET Timer to generate and publish a new Tweet at the top of every hour.

11 minutes to read